For Your Viewing Pleasure



There it is, in all its glory. And that may or may not be me.

Growing up our TV was also a piece of furniture. When I was in the first grade my Dad (always the lucky guy) won money off of the radio and purchased a new TV. It was big, and encased in wood. As I said, it was a piece of furniture, we had things on display sitting on top of it. That thing lasted forever. I don’t know how many times it was affected by lightning and had to be taken to the repair shop, but each time it returned back to my parents’ house working like new. That is, until a few years ago, when lightning finally won the battle with it. Rest in peace, large wooden TV. To my surprise, my parents bought a snazzy HD flat screen TV. They’re more up on technology than I am!

After searching through heaps of photos, I finally found one of the entire TV. Most were of just a corner or a fraction of the TV. Wouldn’t you know, it also had to be a photo of me in all of my absolute un-coolness. (I went to Catholic school, if that helps explain anything.) I mean, not that I’m any cooler now, but I may cover it up better. Now that you’re done snickering, please move along and keep reading. While going through all those photos, I also found the previous TV in the background. Turns out, it was almost identical, except it appears to have knobs and the newer one was fancy schmancy and hi-tech with buttons. Apparently, we were just like The Jeffersons, and we were movin’ on up.


If you can see it back there among the mess of my birthday. I wonder what was in my birthday presents?

While those were quite the TVs, they still don’t fulfill my love of true vintage TVs. My own TV was a present from my parents for Christmas in 1998. A 19 inch plastic encased thing with a built-in VCR. It isn’t officially antique yet, but it’s getting close. That doesn’t fit the bill either, though when someone comes to my house for the first time I get the standard, “Whoa, look at your TV!” Usually followed by laughter. Not sure what is so funny, considering television (as in, what’s on) doesn’t interest me much, as I don’t have stations at my house to watch, nor do I find it important to have high definition whatsamajig, surround sound, blah blah. I don’t need to see every pore on an actor’s face. I am plenty entertained by movies and shows on DVD and VHS (yes, I still watch VHS tapes) on my small TV. I can see them. I can hear them. Beyond that I don’t see the big deal. But I digress. . .


Not mine, but I wish!

I dream of having an antique television. Since everything went all high-tech a few years back, and those old TVs (including mine) no longer work to pick up antenna stations, nor could you hook a DVD/VCR to it, I need some magic worked on one.

Wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could take one of the old TVs and have it fitted with a new screen and guts, so it would function with today’s technology? I daydream about this all the time. If I were any sort of handy or if I didn’t think it would cost me an arm, a leg, and a kidney, I’d look into if it’s even possible. It may not be, or maybe it’s already out there somewhere being done by someone.


This would be perfect for my cross-bred vision!

As old as my TV is, it sticks out in my otherwise very mid-century modern living room. Sorry, 90s TV, you’re just not making the grade. (Though I am pleased you have lasted this long and still function, so please don’t poop out completely just yet. Thanks.) One of these other televisions I have found would look quite fetching in my house.


Until the day comes when my dream and vision could be fulfilled, I will settle for looking admiringly upon the old TVs I find out antiquing. They always catch my eye and tease me with their curved screens, bulky encasings, knobs and dials, and their retro seduction. When I return home my TV always stares at me with that knowing look, “I’m just not old enough for you, not good enough. I’ll never be good enough!” You are correct TV, but don’t let it affect what little time we have left together.

4 thoughts on “For Your Viewing Pleasure

  1. I know many a person who pined for months and months after their cherished, massive, wooden TV met its demise. They absolutely were beloved pieces of furniture to folks as much as a place for “visionaries” to watch the medium of television come of age…and their classic look has certainly fallen by the wayside as we’ve “advanced” to flat screens that don’t even need wires. We joined the high definition, large screen world awhile back but still are holding off on having a personal, speaking relationship with our remotes. (We do have our limits) Since we watch a tremendous amount of television I can say the image advancements have been impressive, but these images on your post do take me back to a more simpler time when TV’s were just coming into their own…as you obviously were. 🙂

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    • The talking, interactive TVs are kind of creepy. My experience with other people’s TVs like that have been so-so. They start talking randomly, turning the station on their own, asking you to repeat what you said when you didnt actually say anything, etc. No thanks!

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